Revitalize Milwaukee

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Ms. Carol

Ms. Carol is a kind and soft-spoken woman who has lived in her home since 1947 when her mother designed it. She was just 12 years old when they moved into the house. Now she lives alone and the only family that Carol has nearby is her cousin Susan. Susan helps her around the house and with shopping because her 4 children live in Kansas and Washington State. Carol likes the neighborhood she lives in and says her neighbors are very kind and helpful. In her spare time, she crochets baby blankets that she donates to churches and other organizations. She says she is blessed to be able to keep her home. 

Because much of Carol’s family lives outside of Wisconsin, maintenance in the home is a burden. When Carol reached out, RM discovered she had to carry water from her bathroom because she had no running water in her kitchen. She also had water leaking into her basement. RM was able to have contractors address these issues as well as install grab bars, a tub cutout, and a shower bench in her bathroom.

Many homeowners like Carol live alone and go without repairs that are critical to their health and safety.