Frank and Debra's Ramp

Frank and Debra have lived in their Uptown home for the last 35 years where they raised their children and babysit their grandchildren. Recently, Frank had a stroke which left him paralyzed on one side and in a wheelchair. Their main entrance on the front porch only had stairs which made it impossible for Frank to leave and enter his house on his own. To get him in and out of the house, Debra had to recruit neighbors to help her lift Frank and his wheelchair.

Greg, one of our volunteers, graciously offered to work on the ramp for Frank and Debra from start to finish, including drawing up the plans, pulling the permit, etc. When it came time to build the ramp, he rallied some volunteers at his church, House of Prayer Lutheran Church in Franklin. The team worked hard to build the ramp ensuring it is up to code and long-lasting.

The ramp looks and works great, and Debra and Frank are very grateful for this life-changing repair and the volunteers that built it.

Mitch Slater