The Hole in Monserrate's Bathroom Floor

Monserrate is 84 years old and has lived in her home for over 17 years. She has a had a heartbreaking past two years, losing two young grandchildren and her husband of 60 years. We received a call from her grandson Filipe, who said that the plumbing in Monserrate’s bathroom was in poor condition. It was apparent from the sagging toilet that there was in issue, but it turned out to be far worse than what we expected.

Monserrate had hired a family friend to repair her bathroom, but all they did was tile over the shower and bathroom floor, failing to install adequate subflooring, plumbing, and drainage. As we began to demo the bathroom, we discovered that the wood beneath the shower floor had rotted, leaving a giant hole to the basement, and the drainage system was not connected to anything. Without enough money to hire a plumber, they resorted to putting buckets in the basement to catch the water.

We remedied the many issues that appeared in Monserrate’s bathroom by installing a new subfloor, plumbing, drainage system, toilet, shower tiles, and vanity. Donate now to help homeowners like Monserrate stay safe in their home.

Mitch Slater